

In September 2021 at Perfectly Spoken we decided to create a Scholarship Programme to provide help to disadvantaged learners of English. By this we mean learners who, through no fault of their own, are not able to access the kind of quality English language training that they want and will make a significant impact on their lives and could even be life changing, but have faced financial or other barriers

In the first year alone, we awarded over 1000 Scholarships to learners from over 30 different countries providing them with full and free access to our self-study courses and supporting learning materials

We have been gradually expanding our Programme to include working with refugee NGOs who support victims of conflicts in countries across the globe and are currently particularly focussed on helping individuals who have been directly affected by the war in Ukraine and NGOs that are supporting them




It soon became clear that applications for places on our Scholarship Programme far outweighed the number of seats we were able to process and manage. In February 2022 therefore we started to plan a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of raising £20k to enable us to at least double the numbers of students we were able to accept on to the Programme

Following the outbreak of war in Ukraine we took the decision to postpone the launch of the campaign in the face of needs that seemed to be more urgent and pressing than that of learning English at the time.

Eventually and given the unfolding events, we took the decision to launch our campaign: ‘Change Lives with English’ on 7th April  and to make clear our support of the  ‘Stand with Ukraine’ movement


Not only did we reach the goal we had set ourselves but because of the generosity and support of so many wonderful individuals and the exceptional support of the Romeera Foundation, we were able to raise just over £23k a truly remarkable sum of money, especially in these most difficult and challenging of times and for which we are truly grateful to each and every one of our supporters.

1 – To increase the number of seats available through our Scholarship Programme

This is happening in 2 phases

  • Phase I – With immediate effect

We have made available hundreds of seats to a number of NGOs who are helping those affected by the war in Ukraine both in the UK and further. At the same time we are actively seeking to partner with charitable organisations whose purpose is to educate and empower individuals with a specific focus on developing countries.

  • Phase II

In summer 2022 we will open our Scholarship Programme applications from individual learners from any country. Applicants will need to complete a simple form to explain the importance of learning English to them and effectively how English can improve and potentially change their lives. Each application will be read by our team and each applicant will receive a personalised response.

Iryna from Ukraine, currently living with a host family in the UK, is now part of the Perfectly Spoken Scholarship Programme.

2 – To further invest in technologies to ensure we can keep the current first-rate levels of reliability and protection as we continue to grow globally.

The future

While we are proud and hugely grateful for the support we have received, we know that we are at the start of a project that we trust will flourish in the months and years to come and enable us to help a great many disadvantaged learners.

Just as our project is ongoing, we have decided to leave our fundraising open to donations directly through our site

Any and every donation will help


Wall Sponsor


The Rameera Foundation

The Extra Mile

Sir Peter and Lady Bonfield
Vipin Shah and Anant Shah
Dr. Xiao-Ping Zhai and Col. Richard Williams (Retd.)
Dr. Constance Parkinson
Yvonne Horsefall Turner

Above & Beyond

Ann Grafton
Alison Gowman
Carolos de Blondo
John and Jill Horsman
Pam and Noel Lyons

Thanks for your contribution!

Alison Nicol
Amy Murrell
Anna Claire Cochrane
Brenda Corn
Cambridge School
Caroline Jenks
Charles and Claire Alexander
CJ Atkinson
Claire Woodward-Nutt and Alan Russell
Colin Maltby and Patricia Bossio
David Horsman
Debbie Salmon

Elaine Slee
Ewan Gerhart Maclean
Frederick W. Rayner
Geraldine Goodjohn
Henk and Sam de Jager
Hilary O’Connor
Ian and Claire Breedon
Imogen Rumbold
Jacqui McCoy
Jeannie Bruty
Jo Thom
John Russell
Jose Henrique Beiramar

Julia Stafford
Karen Cleal
Lorraine Elborough-Cook
Lucille & Tom Ellis-Jones
Mª Gràcia Bosch
Mary Harris
Nick Atkinson
Nick Thomas and Eleanor Cranmer
Nicola Horsman
Paul and Susan Williams
Rebekah Southdon
Richard and Diane Maynard
Richard Atkinson

Rosemary McLaughlin
Ruth Murrell
Shane and Anita Giles
Sheron Mitchell
Simon Wheeler
Siobhan Walsh
Stephanie Marston
Stuart Atkinson
Tom and Lesley Allison
Tom E.
Valerie Baird
Xela Falgueras